Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How to become an energy influencer

It is really hard for most humans to understand what energy is because we can’t smell, taste, or touch it. The above pictures are my way of helping you See Energy. This first picture was taken the day after I laid my special cat MIA to rest and this is her gravesite. Prior to taking this pic I rarely saw any color other than some orange when taking a direct pic of the sun. There is no denying that is her energy and she is showing me she is still near. 

Some people can see it and many people can feel it they just don’t realize it is energy they are feeling.
The second picture is one I took a few days after mia’s passing and 3 weeks after my father passed away. Sun pics prior only had that light orange glow. This pic is special as it shows my fathers energy (the blue/green dot) and mia’s pinkish energy. Sun is energy and we can all feel it. 

Now we will talk about how you can begin the process of really focusing on using your energy to influence your dog. Dogs thrive and survive on communication and since they cannot talk in our language we must learn theirs. Energy rules their world. They speak volumes to other dogs through their energy, body language and vocally. 

Blaze is my energy influencer because he knows dog language better than anyone. He is so fluent in it that he can change a dogs mind without a single word. To the naked eye it appears as though his presence alone is making something happen. And it is, his Energy presence is telling the other dog what his intention is and how he wants to go about doing it. I have watched Blaze engage with an aggressive dog and completely change that dogs mind from wanting to fight (he was showing this through his body language but had already said it through his energy) to choosing to walk away. That is very powerful. 

I was working with a dog who was very reactive and would bite the leash and viciously and violently shake it out of complete frustration. She was a country dog living in the big city and she just could not handle the energy fields that surrounded her. One day after a very difficult day and after really being hard on myself for not being able to effectively communicate with this dog  I decided to play some music to reset the energy of the room and dog. I played my steel tongue drum and immediately the dog calmed down and actually fell asleep.

The next day I decided to place a picture in my mind of what I expected for that day and I also worked on using my energy to influence this dog. I played my drum, for some of you meditation will help or just listening to music or walking in the woods anything that brings you happiness use it to get your energy aligned. I made the decision to accept the dog for who she was meant to be not the fury that existed. We went on a walk and I paid close attention to how I was feeling and used that to gauge  how she was handling the experience. We walked past many of her normal triggers but my energy was so aligned with what I knew she could be that it helped her relax and instead focus on me. I did not ask her to do anything I just allowed my energy to speak.
At one point we came to a intersection and it was loud and a lot of people were around and a few dogs. I could feel strongly her energy amping up so I simply walked away and just stood about 20 feet from the intersection and with just that she did a full body shake (this is a strong release of energy and looks dramatic) and did one bark and was really easy to move on. We continued our walk and only had one time where we walked through an energy field and I felt it to and she bit the leash and tugged on it (not at all violently like she use to) and I waited and in just seconds she was back in a heel and we went in the home. 

Instead of forcing your reactive dog to move on just step aside and allow your calm energy to influence your dog and let the dog take a break then move on once the dog is ready. We tend to try to hurry the dog on because maybe we are embarrassed at how the dog is acting or we feel it is better to just quickly get away from the trigger. This isn’t helping the dog. It is Further amping it up because now it has to deal with your rushed energy. It is important to remain as calm as you can if the dog does react this way the dog will let go of the frustration faster and be ready to move on.

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