Thursday, May 9, 2019

Energy: Soft vs Sensitive

With some breeds you will hear the terms Soft and Sensitive interchanged but they have two completely different meanings and energy "emotions".

A soft dog is a dog who cannot handle the slightest correction without having a meltdown. This is most likely a physical correction in the form of a leash tug. This dog is in a negative "emotional" energy state and needs to be brought out of that state of mind and into a confident or acceptance state of mind. This kind of dog perceives everything being done as an attack on them, they are the type to have the "I am going to get you before you get me" attitude. This type of dog needs a calm confident leader not someone who will give up because the dog doesn’t listen to them. They don’t need someone that demands and expects the dog to do something immediately.  This dog needs a clear line of communication and needs a Yes and No. This dog does well when guided into a command then  allowed to work it out and go into it on their own the next time it is asked. This dog requires structure and rules. Obedience serves them well and they can move up the emotional energy scale to become a confident dog in time.

A sensitive dog is a dog who can handle many forms of correction as long as they match the transgression.  They are intelligent and capable of knowing what they did wrong and accepting an appropriate reprimand. This dog will most likely "Shut Down" if over corrected. They will not listen to negative energy. This dog is easy to train and eager to please. They thrive on consistency and structure. They prefer variety in their training program.

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