Sunday, June 30, 2019

FOURTH OF JULY:Tips to keep pets safe

The Fourth of July is around the corner and I just wanted to share some tips to keep your pets safe.

1. If you know your dog is afraid of fireworks take the dog to the basement or a room that is the farthest from the action. Diffuse Frankencense if possible and put on a noise machine or if you have "Alexa" have her play Soundscapes (sound skills) then say Zen and Healing and it plays really nice calming music. ***Do Not Talk to your dog at all. Words will only add to the dogs anxiety and make the dog stay stuck in that fear driven mind set.*** If you want to watch tv make sure it isn't a show that mimics any sounds similar to the sounds of fireworks.

2. If your dog stays outside in a pen or the backyard when you leave the house BRING THE DOG INSIDE. Place the dog in a garage, basement, or room, if it is Crate Trained then place in its crate. Make sure the place you choose is secure, cool and the dog has fresh water. Play calming music and don't leave for more than 2 hours.

3.  NEVER EVER TAKE YOUR DOG TO A FIREWORKS SHOW.  Even if they are rock solid and have never reacted to fireworks there is so much more going on at the actual show. They experience the vibration in the ground, the sounds and smell of the fireworks and can absolutely experience a headache type of pain because of their sensitive hearing. This can then trigger a fear reaction with any loud sounds.

4.  Always take dogs outside to potty ON LEASH even in your backyard. Use a long line if you want to give them more freedom but make sure to keep ahold of the leash at all times. My sister's dog is deathly afraid of fireworks and has run away on several occasions, one time ending up in the middle of a very busy dangerous roadway luckily he was Not hit by a car and was kept safe by a guy on a motorcycle until we got there. . It is not worth the upset and stress of having a dog run away. Even if they are always fine off leash don't do it.

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